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ジョナサン·マルボー氏(Grand Alliance CEO/投資家/起業家)が外部顧問に就任

ウーマンエンパワーメントを通じて日本のジェンダーギャップを解消し、誰もがポテンシャルを解放できる世の中を目指すソーシャルビジネス、株式会社SHeStands(本社:東京都港区、CEO:佐藤圭子)は、2024年8月12日付でジョナサン·マルボー氏(Grand Alliance CEO)を外部顧問に迎え入れることを発表いたします。



※世界経済フォーラム(WEF)の「The Global Gender Gap Report 2024」によれば、日本のジェンダーギャップ指数は146か国中118位(G7では最下位)です。

Grand Alliance CEO
米国ニューヨーク出身。ハーバード大学およびコロンビア大学ロースクールとビジネススクールを卒業。米大手法律事務所レイサム·アンド·ワトキンスの弁護士として金融業界でのキャリアをスタートし、クレディ·スイス銀行、ドイツ銀行において投資銀行分野へとその活動範囲を広げる。1993年には東京の大島特許事務所に入社し、その後、Panasonic大阪本社特許ライセンス部にて初の米国人社員として勤務。また、フォーシーズンズ、リッツカールトン、Google、Apple、ユニクロなどをクライアントに持つDESAVOやALTO USAを共同設立·運営するほか、Grand AllianceのCEOとしても活動。30年にわたる幅広い業界と地域での経験を持ち、総額約13兆円規模の取引を手掛けた実績を有する。これらの経験を通じて独自の視点と発想を実現するためのグローバルネットワークを構築している。さらに、小池百合子東京都知事から任命を受け、東京都の大使兼顧問としても活躍。また、ヒスパニック系アメリカ人の高等教育を支援する米国最大の非営利団体「ヒスパニック奨学金基金」の理事も務めている。


SHeStandsのアドバイザーに就任できることを非常に光栄に感じています。その使命を全面的に支持し、信じています。SHeStandsは、女性、経済、そして社会をエンパワーする強力な手段であり、最終的にはより強固で持続可能な日本の未来の発展に寄与するものと確信しています。ますますグローバル化が進展する中で、グローバル市場でも成功する日本の未来に繋がると信じています。職場におけるダイバーシティ&インクルージョン(多様性と包括性)が社会と経済に与えるポジティブな影響は、もはや議論の余地がありません。特に、日本経済や社会の発展には、女性の社会進出が極めて重要です。女性の繁栄は、家族、コミュニティ、経済にも驚くほどの影響を与えるでしょう。しかし、この取り組みは、思慮深く戦略的かつ適切に実行される必要があります。私は30年以上にわたり日本に住み、パナソニックなどの日本企業や自身の会社で働いてきた経験から、日本独自の課題や体質を深く理解しています。その上で、日本が求める「良い」社会や環境に適切な指導とリーダーシップのもとで到達できると確信しています。SHeStands代表 佐藤圭子氏の寄り添った姿勢、洞察力と視点、そして細やかな情報を日本の女性、企業、社会に適切な形で提供する能力から、SHeStandsのクライアントやコミュニティは多大な恩恵を受けることができるでしょう。SHeStandsは単なる西洋規範の押し付けではなく、ウーマンエンパワーメントの利益をステークホルダー全体が享受できる形で、日本社会の発展を目指しています。このミッションはこれからの社会にとって非常に重要であり、私もその一助となれることを光栄に思います。


Jonathan Malveaux (Grand Alliance CEO/Investor/Entrepreneur) Appointed as External Advisor

SHeStands, Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Keiko Sato), a social enterprise dedicated to tackling gender gaps by empowering women and creating a society where everyone can unleash their true potential, is pleased to announce that Jonathan Malveaux (Grand Alliance CEO) has been appointed as an external advisor as of August 12, 2024.

To promote gender equality, SHeStands, Inc. provides (1) DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) consulting, DEI training, and outsourcing to support organizational transformation, and (2) career consulting and coaching to support individual career development, thus promoting change on both organizational and individual levels.

Jonathan Malveaux, who has been appointed as an external advisor, is a leader with over 30 years of experience as a lawyer, investor, entrepreneur, and advisor in Japan, Asia, Europe, and the United States. Based on his achievements at Panasonic’s Osaka headquarters and his awareness of Japan’s gender gap issues, he will further strengthen SHeStands’ initiatives. Malveaux’s participation will enhance global partnerships and perspectives, continuing efforts towards achieving gender equality in Japan.

*According to the World Economic Forum’s “The Global Gender Gap Report 2024,” Japan’s gender gap index ranks 118th out of 146 countries (the lowest among G7 countries).

【About Jonathan Malveaux】
Grand Alliance CEO
Born in New York, USA. Graduated from Harvard University and Columbia University Law School and Business School. Started his career in the financial industry as a lawyer at the major U.S. law firm Latham & Watkins, then expanded his activities to the investment banking sector at Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank. In 1993, he joined Oshima Patent Office in Tokyo, and later worked as the first American employee in the Patent Licensing Department at Panasonic’s Osaka headquarters. He has also co-founded and operated DESAVO and ALTO USA, which have clients such as Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, Google, Apple, and Uniqlo, and is active as the CEO of Grand Alliance. With 30 years of experience across various industries and regions, he has handled transactions totaling approximately 13 trillion yen. Through these experiences, he has built a global network to realize unique perspectives and ideas. Additionally, he was appointed as an ambassador and advisor to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government by Governor Yuriko Koike and serves as a board member of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, the largest nonprofit organization in the U.S. supporting higher education for Hispanic Americans.

【Comment from Jonathan Malveaux】
I am honored to join SHeStands as an Advisor and fully support and believe in its mission. SHeStands is a powerful vehicle to empower women, businesses and society and, ultimately, help build a stronger, more sustainable and modern Japan. A Japan of the future that can compete and thrive in an increasingly interconnected and global market.
There is no longer debate related to the positive impact on society and business from diversity and inclusion in the workplace; in particular, advancing women will propel Japan into a more prosperous society. When women thrive, families, communities and economies thrive in phenomenal ways. The big caveat is this effort needs to be thoughtful, strategic and executed properly. I have spent over 30 years (on and off) living and working in Japan, both within Japanese companies like Panasonic and companies I own and operate, I understand the unique challenges Japan faces and believe it can get to a place that feels “good” with the right guidance and leadership.
SHeStands clients and the broader community will truly benefit from Keiko Sato’s unique ability to listen, to understand and to process nuanced information and then introduce and help implement critical changes in a way that works well for Japanese women, companies and society. SHeStands is not simply trying to force western norms into Japan but trying to have Japan leapfrog and reap the benefits of women empowerment in a way that works well for all stakeholders. This is critical to the success of this mission, and I am honored to be of service.

About SHeStands, Inc.
SHeStands, Inc. is a social enterprise dedicated to tackling gender gaps by empowering women and creating a society where everyone can unleash their true potential. By providing DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) consulting, DEI training, and outsourcing of DEI, diversity, and women’s empowerment promotion projects, we support the promotion of DEI and diversity management in organizations. Additionally, we offer career consulting and coaching for women and provide a women’s empowerment platform. Aiming for gender equality, we promote transformation on both organizational and individual levels.
Main Services
• DEI Consulting
• DEI Promotion Outsourcing (Diversity Promotion, Women’s Empowerment Promotion, SDGs No.5 Gender Equality Projects)
• DEI Training Programs
• Career Consulting and Career Coaching

SHeStands Inc. Ecosystem:
SHeStands operates with a focus on social contribution. SHeStands aims to create a sustainable ecosystem by combining the profit center (SHeStands) and our planned non-profit center to promote social good and gender equality (SDGs No.5). We adopt a system to return 15% of annual net profit and all revenue from trial session fees to NPOs supporting women’s employment.

【Press Release:Read more
*Only in Japanese

