この度、4月8−9日に開催される、TELL Japan主催(ACCJパートナーシップ)第2回メンタルヘルスサミット「Building Resilience」にゲストスピーカーとして登壇いたします。詳細やチケット情報は下記リンクよりご覧ください。

Keiko Sato, will be joining TELL’s second annual mental health summit on April 8th and 9th, in partnership with the ACCJ and sponsored by Discovery Japan. Foster your mental strength and wellness at the TELL Summit by joining our Women in Leadership – Opportunities for Change and Empowerment panel. Hear from Vanessa Oshima, Midori Kaneko, Keiko Sato, and TELL Board member Jin Montesano! Learn how to Build Resilience. Register grab your tickets today at www.tellevents.org

■For more information go to: https://www.tellevents.org   https://www.accj.or.jp/tell-accj-mental-health-summit
